Tuesday, 5 October 2010

an interesting fact

One for the people against wind turbines because of bird deaths -
Annual average number of birds killed by wind turbines in denmark = 30,000
Annual average number of birds killed by cats in Britain = 55,000,000
Anyway I digress:
Today I read two papers on the AuRA-NMS which is currently being developed by a number of different Universities and companies. They have come up with a framework that can control a number of things using agents such as power flow and voltage levels, and integration of generators. I have also read a large amount of the book I mentioned previously, it is very interesting. From what I gather so far, the most feasible microgenerators that could be installed on every home and actually produce enough electricity to be worthwhile is photovoltaic panels. Also thermal panels which heat water are another viable way to decrease demands for electricity due to heating. Ways in which these technologies could be integrated and controlled by agents in a distributed system is of some interest to me.

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