This week I will be learning all things to do with electricity. I have also written an introduction for my Research Methodology course, here it is:
By the year 2050 the UK government has made it mandatory that we reduce our carbon emissions by 80%. In order to meet this target, lower carbon technologies such as the electrification of heating and transport will need to be introduced. Unfortunately this rising demand for electricity cannot be sustained with the current national electricity structure. A more dynamic two-way electricity network is needed that incorporates decentralised generators, renewable resources and storage devices managed in an efficient manner.
However incorporating these devices will be difficult without revised management techniques. The proposed solution is to split the national electricity structure into multi-agent managed micro-grids which are able to run as isolated electricity networks capable of meeting electrical demand efficiently. One aspect of the management system involves decentralised generator coordination to determine the output of each generator needed to satisfy the loads on the network when thermal constraints apply.
Previous work in this area has used constraint optimisation techniques to find an optimal solution; however this is in a centralised manner, therefore posing potential security and reliability issues due to the central point of failure. DPOP, a coordination algorithm that uses message passing, has been applied to this setting and is almost completely decentralised. However the size of the messages increases exponentially with the size of the network and thus this technique does not scale well.
We propose an extension of the novel algorithm called MAX-SUM which uses message passing to coordinate renewable and non-renewable generators within a micro-grid. Specifically the MAX-SUM algorithm has been extended to incorporate thermal constraint satisfaction and to give priority to generators that use renewable resources while curtailing non-renewable generators. The extended MAX-SUM algorithm coordinates in a decentralised manner, with the size and the number of messages dependant only on a local neighbourhood therefore scaling well.
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