I have come up with a simple strategy that coordinates generators in a decentralised way. The strategy will be applied to trees and works as follows:
Line A agent detects that it is overloaded, therefore it sends a message to the node receiving its flow that they need to increase their power output by x, and sends a message to the node sending their flow that they need to decrease their generation by x amount. In doing this the amount of power flowing down line A will be reduced by x and thus the line will no longer be overloaded.
Each subsequent node simply forwards the amount of power that is asked of them from a transmission line to all children.
A transmission line agent checks that the power required by one node from the other will not actually overload its transmission line, if it will then the transmission line changes the required power to be capped at the (maximumCapacity - currentFlow)
(i.e. Node 1 sends a message to Node 2 that it requires an extra 300kW, however the transmission line in between can only handle an extra 200kW therefore Node 2 will recieve a request for 200kW instead. )
Once the required power has been propagated down to the leaf nodes the nodes then send messages back to the root saying how much power they can produce and at what carbon intensity.
Finally messages are propagated back down to the leaf nodes starting from the root. At the root node it calculates how much power it needs to ask from each of its neighbours nodes in order to minimise carbon emissions, it only asks for the required power and doesn't care how it is broken down further between generators. Subsequent nodes repeat the process until all leaf nodes have received a message saying how much power is required from them. They all increase by the required amount.
Similarly the subtree that is required to decrease its power output by x amount perform the same steps however the transmission lines do not need to intervene in changing the required decrease in power.
Sounds good. Looking forward to seeing a formalised version of the messages exchanged between nodes/lines and the computations performed by nodes/lines in the 3 phases (forward to nodes down tree, response up the tree, and value propagation down the tree).